Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Slice of life # 22 A time I got hurt

Today I'm going to talk about a time I got hurt. Okay lets start. One I was in school in Palestine and I had to put the cares downstairs and when I was on the last step of the stairs I thought that was the last one but there was a other step and then I fall down the only thing was hurting me was my leg and then it turned to blue I can't walk on it. It was Terrible day I was so mad because my leg was hurting and  when something like that happen with me I be so mad. I hope that time it's not going to happen again.

The End 👍🏻


  1. I'm glad you're ok.

  2. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. I'm very impressed with how much your writing has grown already this month. The punctuation you are adding now makes understanding your slices easier for your reader.


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