Friday, March 17, 2017

Slice of life # 17 A time I played in the rain

Today I'm going to talk about a time I played in the rain. Okay let's start. I was in school and it was raining to much,and I did not now what do I have to do. Why because I didn't have an unbalanced, but that was a easy problem do you now waht did I do I was in the middle of street and I was rounding around the rain and opening my and drinking some of the water, but that all things I did it when I was a little girl I'm not going to forget all the best daydream ever in my life.

The End 👍🏻


  1. Dancing in the rain! :) The punctuation really helps me read your slice. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You still remember things when you were a girl?


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