The End 👍🏻
Friday, March 31, 2017
Slice of life # 31 how do i fell when i do the last blog
Today I'm going to talk about how do i fell when i do the last blog. Okay lets started. When I started to do my blogs I was so happy and excited but I new that I was doing not right why because I been doing them form the YouTube and writing a lot and nobody was reading them but when my best teacher told me that you have to write your own words with out the YouTube and I tried to do that and it worked and everybody was reading and putting for lot of comments and I hope that we are going to win in the challenge of slice of life and I'm going to keep writing how ever it was because it was the best thing in my life writing with my best teacher some blogs.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Slice of life # 30 A favorite field trip
Today I'm going to talk about a favorite field trip. Okay let's stared. We were in the museum yesterday with mrs Brezek and we had lot of fun with her and we were talking about Hitler and what did he do some of them where good and some where bad but the most was the bad things why where the most bad things because he doesn't like the germans and there was a woman n the museum she told the same thing and I was next to Mrs Brezek and asked her if the woman was saying for real and she told me yes but I told her that I thought is wasn't a real story but she said it was real but I was confused because I thought that it gust happen for a long time ago but it was a cool field trip.
The End 👍🏻
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Slice of life # 29 A favorite drink
Today I'm going to talk about a favorite drink. Okay lets started. once i was in my dad's work and i was so thirsty and i want to the freer and get some thing to drink and i took something its called Dr pepper. I was a litter girl like 8 years old and from that day to this day i keep drinking it and do you now waht do people tell me about it. It doesn't taste go. Do you now what i told them i don't care if you guys don't like I don't have to be like you and i drink how ever I want.
The End 👍🏻
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Slice of life # 28 My favorite Sunday
Today lm going to talk about my favorite Sunday. Okay lets start. Once it was Sunday ,and i want to the mall it was a far mall and i had lot of fun because the mall was open like you were outside and when you go at in summer because you see the sun and eat ice cream with your family and your friends and the best thing when you go and goes walk in there I hope that day is going to came back in the next summer.
The End 👍🏻
Monday, March 27, 2017
Slice of life # 27 My favorite present
Today I'm going to talk about my favorite present. Okay lets start. Once I was in 7th grade and it was my birthday party and my best friend came to my party I did it in the night and when the time camed to open the presents I started opening them and I opened one it was form the best friend I have it in my life her gift was the best gift ever it was something for friendship and with some candy it was the best thing ever because it had something about friends like a poest it wrote on it you don't have to leave your best friend how ever it was and it's still with my never ever going to think to throw it it's the best thing I have form my friend.
The End 👍🏻
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Slice of life # 26 A time I cleaned my dad's car
Today I'm going to talk about A time I cleaned my dad's car. Okay lets start. Once I was her in the summer and my dad wanted to cleaned his car and I did it me and my dad it was so fun to clean a car with some music and the best thing when you clean the car is the soap and the water and the best part is when you clean a car all by yourself and nobody helps you that's so cool you can spend you time how long you want and I did it once it was form the best day ever in my life.
The End 👍🏻
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Slice of life #25 A time someone hurt my feeling
Today I'm going to talk about a time someone hurt my feeling. Okay lets start. Once I was in school and we were going to do a project and in every class we do like this project it was in Palestine and the girls think that the smart one has to do everything and the others just watch. And once we had to do a English project and my teacher put my in charge and so I can tell them waht are we going to do and there was a girl in our group she wasn't happy that I'm in charge and she did something so she can put the fault at my and when Shen want to tell our teacher the teacher was saying that I did all of this bad work and this girl broke my heart and my feelings and didn't on how to say the true because I can't say anything and my hart was hurt and my feelings I was so sad. And the problem was that girl was my friend.
The End 👍🏻
Friday, March 24, 2017
Slice Of life # 24 a time a was thing about a pet
Today I'm going to talk about a time i was thing about a pet. Okay lets start. Once I was thing about a amazing pet and i new that my favorite pet was birds why because onc i was in third grade and i did i a bird it was the best bird for me and form that day to this day I'm still thing about birds and in art class I'm drawing a brid it looks so cool and I'm thinking to buy a bird but I'm going to buy it like the puffy ones they look so cute. I can't want on till I buy it and see it.
The End 👍🏻
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Slice of life #23 The Harmonica
Today I'm going to talk about the harmonica. Okay lets start. This book I read it with Mrs Brezek and it was a nice story it's was the first time for me to read a story with my teacher and some other boys and girls it's was it the first but then it was so amazing. The story talks about a boy and his family. The boy was the only one he didn't have any brothers or sisters, there is is some people camed to there house and took the boys mom and dad and then they took the boy , but the boy want to the jail and the mom and dad were dead and the only thing the boy was remember is the harmonica because it's form his mom and dad. Read the story to see what's going to happen.
The End 👍🏻
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Slice of life # 22 A time I got hurt
Today I'm going to talk about a time I got hurt. Okay lets start. One I was in school in Palestine and I had to put the cares downstairs and when I was on the last step of the stairs I thought that was the last one but there was a other step and then I fall down the only thing was hurting me was my leg and then it turned to blue I can't walk on it. It was Terrible day I was so mad because my leg was hurting and when something like that happen with me I be so mad. I hope that time it's not going to happen again.
The End 👍🏻
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Slice of life #21 how lm going to do a butterfly
Today I'm going to talk about how I'm going to do a butterfly. Okay lets start. So you that in ELA class we have to do a butterfly with mrs Brezek and we have to do it in a poem that she gave us she gave everybody a different poem so nobody can do the same thing I'm going to talk about my butterfly it's about sadness and I'm going to to draw on my butterfly a boy is sad and sick and his mom is reading for him a story and the last thing is when his mom reads for him a story he bees better and tomorrow your to se my butterfly I hope that your going to like my butterfly.
The End 👍🏻
Monday, March 20, 2017
Slice of life #20 A first time going to school
today I'm going to talk about a first time going to school. Okay lets start. The first time I want to school it was so hard for me. Why? Because, I like was in another school and I moved to a different school, because you have to now lot of things form school to school that's why and you have to pick new friends but I tried to, but I can't have real friends in the first week that why it's hard for some people like me but in the second week I had a friend she is so nice to me we liked each other and we are now best friend.
See in the first you can't let ever thing how you want but you just have to want a little bit. Lets see a photo together.
See in the first you can't let ever thing how you want but you just have to want a little bit. Lets see a photo together.
This picture shows as that the girl is so happy to go o school. Lets see the other picture.
This picture shows as that girl is so afraid I hate w it happens with me I see it so embarrassing.
The End 👍🏻
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Slice of life # 19 A best time in my life
Today I'm going to talk about a best time in my life. Okay lets start. Do you now why I pick this thing to talk about it because there are lot of things remember me about some bes things about my life. There is something that was the best thing in my life it was when I camed here in the summer it was the best doy ever for me what do I have to say to say do you now when I camed here I was like free and when I started school here it was the best day ever for my and here is a picture lets see it together come on.
The End 👍🏻
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Slice of life # 18 when I was a little girl
Today I'm going to talk about when I was a little girl. Okay lets start. First do you now why I pick this thing because I like to remember lot of things and if you are asking how I'm going to now all of this things first you can see in your pictures and your mom and dad well till you how you were and do you now that your life is so nice when you still be a little kid and everybody thinks about it and if you want there going to be saying way can I be a little girl again.
Look see how cut she is I hope that you like my blog.
The End 👍🏻
Friday, March 17, 2017
Slice of life # 17 A time I played in the rain
Today I'm going to talk about a time I played in the rain. Okay let's start. I was in school and it was raining to much,and I did not now what do I have to do. Why because I didn't have an unbalanced, but that was a easy problem do you now waht did I do I was in the middle of street and I was rounding around the rain and opening my and drinking some of the water, but that all things I did it when I was a little girl I'm not going to forget all the best daydream ever in my life.
The End 👍🏻
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Slice of life # 16 A time I planted a flower
Today I'm going to talk about, A time I planted a flower, okay let's start, once I was with my dad and grandma, I want with them to a store it seles lot of nice flowers, my grandma want to buy some and I ilked how do they look and l asked my dad if I can buy one, I bought one with if you see it your going to say it's a cute flower,but want a power flower it died why because,I planted it in summer and it was so small,then the winter camed and my flower was small the it was died I was sad, but when summer came I bought a there one but it was a little bit, but it grew and I was so happy, because I saw my plant so big, and it's sit growing more to be big and big, that's so cool when you plant a flower for you and it grows when you are doing it in your hands, when you put fur her water.
The End 👍🏻
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Slice of life #15 A time I want to the beach
Today I'm going to talk about A time I want to the beach. You know how ever goes to the beach bees so happy,fun and excited. Do you know that how ever goes to the beach bees so happy and when I was her in summer I want to the beach with my family and with my cousin we had lot of fun, we want in the Sumer it was in the downtown it was so fun with the barbekyo we swim in the water for like three hours that was so cool but the water was there so high like if you go to fare you're not going to be good because the water is too much high but I did not care that much But the most thing that i had fun so much😊.
The End 👍🏻
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Slice of life#14 A time I broke an important promise was
today I'm going to take about a time I broker an important promise was Once I was with my friend and we were talking with each other and then we were talking about something and it was about someone my friend hate her but she told my would you promise me that you are not going to go and tell that girl ang I promise her but do you want did I do I want and told my friend want did my other friend said do you why I told her because she was telling me some bad things about my friend and I know my friend she doesn't do this things but my other friend told me because she doesn't want me to be friends with my other friend and she keeps planning so me and my other friend don't be friends for ever but I now waht to do and me and my best friend kept friends but the other friend I'm with her do simple.
The End 👍🏻
Monday, March 13, 2017
Slice of life #13 how does our teacher teach us in ELA
Today I'm going to talk about how does our teacher teach us in ELA class okay lets start first we go and n the calss room and if there are some people are missing my teacher goes outside for five minutes and see if there is some from our class outside and let them come in and then my teacher takes sadness and she she's how ever did a blog gives hem or her a tickets and a star so we can put it on a our year blogs and how is going no to win and I hope that we are going to win because we are with a nice and cool teacher she keeps saying that we are going to win and I hope that we are going to win because we have to and then after the tickets we do quick writing and lot of things more but I had to tell you waht do you do on ELA a little bit about a our blogs and i going to tell you some more things later but for know is waht do we do in a our calss for about the blogs and that's:
This picture means that our teacher wants us to learn for them and be like them when we grow up.
The End 👍🏻
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Slice of life #12 inside out back again
Today I'm going to to talk about a book I read but I'm still reading it I'm going to talk about what is half of the story about first the story is like more then a poem it has lot of poems and all of this poems are like each other but not a lot like how I'm going to tell you there is a a girl she doesn't have any sisters but she has a brother but he's so mean to her and she wants a sister so she can play with someone but she doesn't have any sisters what a poor and I'm so showket to know waht is going to happen I hope your going to be on my blog to know what is going to happen when I finish my book I'm going to write about what is going to happen in the rest of the book:
The End 👍🏻
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Slice of life #11 A best song
The End 👍🏻
Friday, March 10, 2017
Slice of life #10 gym in school
Today I'm going to talk about gym class in school do you know what we do in gym we be walking around the gym class for 15 to 20 minutes and when we be walking we have to do are warm up sometimes it bees running and some exercises and when we finish a our warm ups we set in our scotch line and then our teachers tills us what are we going to play and show us a little bit about it and there are half of us go to the fitting room and the there half be in the gym class and they play there game and how a ever goes the fitting room for they play ethere but a different way we play we play with a balloon ball and there was a there and there is lot of things in that room and lam going to show you a picture of something's l saw it in the fitting room lets see the picture together come on.
Don't forget to live for me some comments
And do you now why I wrote about gym class because i didn't like gym but in one time I started like it when we started to play this fun games because when I play gym in a there places it's not like this it bees so bored and I don't now how we are going to play and I'm so happy that I'm her and playing this games and that's all and I hope your going to like my blog and again don't forget to live some comments.
The End 👍🏻
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Slice of life # 9 A birthday party
Today I'm going to talk about my birthday party you now when it's someone's birthday beesso happy and excited and that's what happened with me and the best when we do and the most thing when they do it when you don't now that's want happened with me it happened last year I want to to mall with my mom and my dad and my brother and sister my dad was telling me you should go to that store with your mom and my toked my brother and sister and want to bring for my a cake that was the best day ever why because they did all this things and I don't now but that was cool we have to the next time that it's going to happen the same thing and I'm going to show you my cake at my party but it's not like it but it looks like it a little bit and come no lets see the picture and don't forget to live some comments:
And there is a there pictures but it's not my but saw it and I liked it lets see it:
The End 👍🏻
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Slice of life # 8 a new phone
Today I'm going to to talk about how did I get a new phone okay first I got a iPad but do you know waht happened i liked used it since I was in forth grade to seventh grade and then it brokered but I can still play now it but fall now the flor again and do you now want happened I can't open it but I can open it form the camera but if I want to open it it's going to details something and going to be so bad but want happened my dad bought for my a new phone and I didn't no but that was the best part in my life and all of this and i didn't now nothing that's was so cool and her is a picture for a broken phone and a new phone lets see it together but don't forget to live for me comments lets see the pictures:
Her is a picture but there is a there one lets see it
The End 👍🏻
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Slice of life # 7 two different country's
Today I'm going to talk about two different county and they are Palestine and American why did I picked this two county because I lived in this two county and I know about them a lot of things and I want to talk about them because I lived i the two of them there are lot of things are different for, American to Palestine like American is so different in school why because her we get iPads but there we talk books and t so fun for use because we can try the both and see how is the best and do you know that the iPad is more easy because there we have to use lot of paper but her we just use the iPad and that's to much better for use and our teachers.
And her is amazing pictures for Palestine and American come lets see the pictures together:
This is a picture for the flags of American and Palestine
And her is amazing pictures for Palestine and American come lets see the pictures together:
This is a picture for the flags of American and Palestine
I just talk about the school because it better if we talk about them but not in one time I hope you liked my blog I know it's sort why because you can read my blog and have lot of fun then reading a big blog and you don't like it that's all
Don't forget to live some comments
The End 👍🏻
Monday, March 6, 2017
Slice of life #6 when I was in the airplane
Today I'm going to talk about when I was in the airplane first I was in a country to America and you know that's to hard for you and for everybody get in a airplane because there are let of the airplane are two parts the first one talks six's hours and the next one talks eight hours that's a long feel trap but the airplane is so excited because you can do anything you want but the tiered thing that you have to be setting but waht lets as forget that we are in the airplane is the small tv the the best part there are every thing like movies,games,music and cartoons. And know we have to see a picture for a airplane lets see it together.
this is a cool airplane and I'm going to show you a video how does a airplane fly but befor I show you the video I have to tell you about the inside the airplane a little bit first I told you waht we see on the small tv but there is a there thing right we have to get some food form them but not all the airplane there are some planes there food is the best food ever but there is a plane there food lets throw up form there food and that's what I wanted to tell you us l hope you liked my blog and don't forget to watch the video and live some comments for my come no lets watch the video:
I hope you liked the video don't forget to live some comments
The End 😊
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Slice of # 5 A movie I watched it
Today I'm going to talk about a movie I watched it when I was a little girl and it's a amazing movie and it's called Alvin and the chipmunks there so small but they sing everything you want and this movie has three parts the first part is to much old but two parts are not that old but most part I loved is the second one it's so cool I liked it because it has all of things action and part tree I liked to but not like part three because it does not have any action it bored because they not be with there dad everybody bees in a place and there is a picture for all of them there six's three boys and tree girls there story is so long but I'm going to till you it in a sort story.
This was the best movie ever for me and still I love it because it has lot of action know I'm going to tell you about the movie a little bit there was three boys and everybody love them and they can sing and ones there was something for they and everybody sees them when they sing and this was the best bay ever for them and everybody like there song and then there dad let them go to school and they want to school the first day was so amazing for them but there were boys so mean with them but the boys know want do they have to do and if you saw the chipmunks they were so cool and then the girls want to school and when the chipmunks saw the girls there were so happy then the fight because there the girls sing and the boys but in the End of the story they were friends and they sang with together and there is a song for them you should see it and don't forget to put for me comments let see the video with each other:
The End 👍🏻
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Slice of life #4 meeting a teacher
Today I'm going to talk about how i meat a teacher in my new school like first i meat mrs larson and she was so kind with me then i read with here like three weeks and then i want to mrs Brezek class and i had lot of fun in her class why because we read in her clas different so she can let us have fun with her and in the same time we read like a good way because it let us get every thing in our mind fast and there are lot of things she did with us great and cool like if we do (31)blog she is going to give us (65) dollars but fake and she is going to give us prices that's so fun.
There is a picture for a girl meeting a teacher let me show it to you:
There is a picture for a girl meeting a teacher let me show it to you:
Do you know why I post this picture because it looks like mrs Brezek when we are in class when we want help that's cool right.
Okay right now I'm going to talk about when I meet Mrs O Connor she was so in and kind with me and the first day i camed to school I did not have an iPad and do you know waht did she do she give me her iPad and when math class come ther was a teacher was calling me because I have to talk a test and when I go back to math class they be finished and they be doing a worksheet and went to I come back Mrs O Connor do for me everything I did not see it she is a nice teacher but do you waht she does not teach me now I had to go me and my friend to a there math class so that's waht happened with us but that's fine because we when i Ned help i math clas in working lunch I go to her and she helps me she's a kind teacher
There is a video for a girl how to meet a teacher lets watch it and don't forget live for me comments come on lets watch the video:
The End 😊
Friday, March 3, 2017
Slice of life #3 how to be a real and true friend
How to Be a Good Friend
Friends. What is definition of friends to you? For every person it is different. Being a good friend isn't always easy, but taking the time to nurture a lasting friendship is worth every ounce of effort. As the years pass, some people will stay by your side, but many won't, and you'll realize that each friendship you keep is priceless. Of course, to have a good friend, you must be one. To be a good friend and deepen a friendship to make it last. Follow the described journey and will be possible to make friends, not temporary but forever.
Keep your promises. Don't ever make a promise that you can't keep -- or at least don't make a habit of it. If you say you'll hang out with a friend and a legitimate conflict arises, explain the situation and trust that the friendship is strong enough for the no's as well as the yes's. If you just cannot go, give your friend a gift and tell him or her sorry. Nobody's perfect, and it's okay if you skip out on a promise once in a blue moon, but don't make it a regular thing. If this is recurring over time then you will probably be seen as not trustworthy as you can not be trusted to be committed to someone such as your friend.
- When you make a serious promise, look at your friend in the eyes and speak slowly to show that you really mean it instead of just saying it because you think that you should. Do not break any such promise, as that will hurt your friend.It might even break your friendship!
Be dependable. Being dependable is one of the most important aspects of being a good friend. Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. Nobody likes a fake, and nobody wants one for a close friend. It's hard to rely on a person who doesn't behave in a consistent and trustworthy way. We all know well-intentioned but flaky people who say, "Okay, I will..." but never follow through. If that's you, know that you're eroding your friends' trust; eventually they'll stop believing what you say.
- If you're not sure you can do something, don't agree to do it and flake out later. Instead, be honest about the fact that you're not sure if you can make it.
- Your friends should always feel like they can count on you, even when the going gets tough. If you're only
- there for the fun times, you'll be no more than a fair-
- weather friend.
Apologize when you've made a mistake. If you want your friends to trust you, then you can't act like you're flawless. If you know you've made a mistake, own up to it instead of being in denial. Though your friends won't be happy that you made a mistake, they'll be very pleased that you're mature and grounded enough to admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong, or worse -- blaming it on someone else.
- When you say sorry, you should mean it. Let your friends hear the sincerity in your voice instead of thinking that you don't really care how they feel.
- The End 👍🏻
Friends. What is definition of friends to you? For every person it is different. Being a good friend isn't always easy, but taking the time to nurture a lasting friendship is worth every ounce of effort. As the years pass, some people will stay by your side, but many won't, and you'll realize that each friendship you keep is priceless. Of course, to have a good friend, you must be one. To be a good friend and deepen a friendship to make it last. Follow the described journey and will be possible to make friends, not temporary but forever.
Keep your promises. Don't ever make a promise that you can't keep -- or at least don't make a habit of it. If you say you'll hang out with a friend and a legitimate conflict arises, explain the situation and trust that the friendship is strong enough for the no's as well as the yes's. If you just cannot go, give your friend a gift and tell him or her sorry. Nobody's perfect, and it's okay if you skip out on a promise once in a blue moon, but don't make it a regular thing. If this is recurring over time then you will probably be seen as not trustworthy as you can not be trusted to be committed to someone such as your friend.
- When you make a serious promise, look at your friend in the eyes and speak slowly to show that you really mean it instead of just saying it because you think that you should. Do not break any such promise, as that will hurt your friend.It might even break your friendship!
- 2Be dependable. Being dependable is one of the most important aspects of being a good friend. Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. Nobody likes a fake, and nobody wants one for a close friend. It's hard to rely on a person who doesn't behave in a consistent and trustworthy way. We all know well-intentioned but flaky people who say, "Okay, I will..." but never follow through. If that's you, know that you're eroding your friends' trust; eventually they'll stop believing what you say.
- If you're not sure you can do something, don't agree to do it and flake out later. Instead, be honest about the fact that you're not sure if you can make it.
- Your friends should always feel like they can count on you, even when the going gets tough. If you're only
- there for the fun times, you'll be no more than a fair-
- weather friend.
- 3Apologize when you've made a mistake. If you want your friends to trust you, then you can't act like you're flawless. If you know you've made a mistake, own up to it instead of being in denial. Though your friends won't be happy that you made a mistake, they'll be very pleased that you're mature and grounded enough to admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong, or worse -- blaming it on someone else.
- When you say sorry, you should mean it. Let your friends hear the sincerity in your voice instead of thinking that you don't really care how they feel.
- The End 👍🏻
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Slice of life Day#2 writing style
Is it nice right and her is a video how to write in a bad hand writing to a great hand writing let watch it.
The most important unit of meaning in every literary work is the paragraph. Although each sentence conveys a thought, a literary work is not just a sequence of, say, eighty thoughts; it is rather a development of one central thesis through certain steps. Those steps are paragraphs. Within an effective paragraph the sentences support and extend one another in various ways, making a single, usually complex, unfolding idea.
Apart from outright incoherence, choppiness, or long-windedness, perhaps the most common flaw in paragraph construction is rigidity of presentation. Having something to say, the writer merely says it—and goes on to do just the same in the following paragraph. As a result, the reader feels, not like a participant in the writer’s thought, but like someone receiving instructions or being shown a rapid succession of images.
Some methods for writing effective paragraphs:
- Pursue one main idea
- Place the main idea emphatically
- HAMLET. I will tell you why; so shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the king and queen moult no feather. I have of late—but wherefore I know not—lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises; and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors. What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how expressed and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? man delights not me; no, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.
- Choice of sentence structure:
- Dictoon, or the choice of words, is obviously a central element in every writer’s style. Although good diction is partly a matter of trial and error, of tinkering with sentences until they sound right, it is also a matter of following certain general preferences that careful readers and writers tend to share.Some methods for using diction effectively in writing:
- Use a dictionary and thesaurus
- Seek a middle level of diction
- Call things by their names
- The End the best I hope you love my woke👍🏻👍🏻
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
SOL # 1 how to do a blog
There are lot of people don't now how to a blog and I'm going to so you how to do it but do you now that it's so easy to do a blog first you have to pick something to write about it so you can now what is the thing that you are writing about it and the most thing that you have to pick it is something you now so you can do it fast not be at one blog for a week do you now how I finish y blog fast because u now what I'm going to write about and I remember it that how you can finish fast and it will be easy for you because you now all the things that you are going to write them there are more to talk about and how to do a blog and now you are going to now.
I’m a super-shy introvert so for me, meeting new
people is difficult. Blogging has made it a lot
easier for me to interact with people and create
new friendships. I’ve found that blogging mainly
makes this possible because if you’re a good blogger, you’re out to help people. I make a concerted effort to help as many people as I can and they in turn try to help me. Caring about others = Friends.
The End 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
And this is a picture how to do a blog and I'm going to give some idea like
I have been fortunate enough to meet and become friends with many phenomenally successful bloggers over the last few years. We have spent a lot of time talking about what it takes to create a blog that people love.
Interestingly, almost all of the successful bloggers I know have these same three things going for them:
1. A blog that’s set up on the right platform (the platform, which is what I recommend (see Step 1: The Basics for further explanation).
2. A desire to create blogs that inspire and/or help other people.
3. A good mentor – access to someone who has already been successful.
If you’re missing even one of those three things, you will find it very difficult to start a blog
that people like. If you’re on the wrong platform,
simple things like creating sharing buttons for
social media or getting traffic from search
that people like. If you’re on the wrong platform,
simple things like creating sharing buttons for
social media or getting traffic from search
engines may be more difficult or impossible.
If you don’t have a desire to help or inspire others, well, then it’s all about you and people will pick up on that.
If you don’t have a mentor, when you get stuck (and you will get stuck), you’ll be STUCK. If you have someone to help you to get un-stuck, you can move forward and make your blog better and better.
All of the successful bloggers I know (myself
included) have mentors. I have found two other guides that are REALLY good, but they are paid guides that costs $97 and $247. You’ll find them q you look for them. They both have everything you need to set up a great blog but let’s behonest, you shouldn’t have to PAY just tolearn how to set up a blog.
included) have mentors. I have found two other guides that are REALLY good, but they are paid guides that costs $97 and $247. You’ll find them q you look for them. They both have everything you need to set up a great blog but let’s behonest, you shouldn’t have to PAY just tolearn how to set up a blog.
The creators of those guides also don’t make themselves available for mentorship, and honestly, I just haven’t seen people do that well
without it. If you get stuck, I want you to feel
comfortable getting in touch with me.
without it. If you get stuck, I want you to feel
comfortable getting in touch with me.
After seeing what I saw, I decided to create a free guide myself that anyone can use to start a
killer blog. I also decided to make myself
available to those who need me. This guide gives
you the tricks and secrets I have used to create
the blogs I make my living with, and through the
guide you can contact me when you need me.
killer blog. I also decided to make myself
available to those who need me. This guide gives
you the tricks and secrets I have used to create
the blogs I make my living with, and through the
guide you can contact me when you need me.
Increased income. Before I started my first blog, I was STRUGGLING financially. I kept thinking
day after day that if I could find a way to make even a few hundred dollars extra every month, it
would change my
day after day that if I could find a way to make even a few hundred dollars extra every month, it
would change my
I learned about blogging and websites and
considered giving it a shot. The problem? After my research I had discovered that to do it right, it would cost me $120 (hosting fees were more expensive back then) to get my first blog site up and running. I was afraid of losing that money. Looking back, I know that the fear I had came
from never investing in MYSELF before. I just kept thinking: What if I screwed it up?
considered giving it a shot. The problem? After my research I had discovered that to do it right, it would cost me $120 (hosting fees were more expensive back then) to get my first blog site up and running. I was afraid of losing that money. Looking back, I know that the fear I had came
from never investing in MYSELF before. I just kept thinking: What if I screwed it up?
I was back and forth for a while. Finally, I thought about all the stupid stuff I had wasted money on and decided to move forward. I
decided that if it didn’t work, I just wouldn’t tell
anybody about it! From there it’s a long story, but to summarize, my blogs DID make that few hundred I was looking for, and much much more. After about a year, I was able to quit my job. I couldn’t be more grateful that I invested in myself.
decided that if it didn’t work, I just wouldn’t tell
anybody about it! From there it’s a long story, but to summarize, my blogs DID make that few hundred I was looking for, and much much more. After about a year, I was able to quit my job. I couldn’t be more grateful that I invested in myself.
Friends. I never anticipated that through blogging, I would meet some of my greatest friends. I am amazed at how many cool,
awesome, talented people I’ve met
awesome, talented people I’ve met
I’m a super-shy introvert so for me, meeting new
people is difficult. Blogging has made it a lot
easier for me to interact with people and create
new friendships. I’ve found that blogging mainly
makes this possible because if you’re a good blogger, you’re out to help people. I make a concerted effort to help as many people as I can and they in turn try to help me. Caring about others = Friends.
The End 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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